Lauren Koenig

One of the movers and shakers in the world of young traveler leaders, Lauren Koenig is launching forward with her company, TWIP. Having an obvious love for travel, her new challenge is to let others experience their travel dream and with the best company possible.
Q & A
I can’t wait to visit…
Fiji and South Africa. I have some crazy obsession with these far off lands and visiting them would be the ‘ultimate’ for me.
Best Hotel amenity…
a hairdryer! There’s nothing worse than having to lug a hairdryer with you overseas, yet alone anywhere. They are way too bulky and I’d rather bring another pair or two of shoes, instead!
I always bring home…
jewelry. I collect jewelry on my travels.
I don’t leave home without…
my Tumi Travel Clutch. It holds boarding passes, my iPhone, passport, a pen and you can lay your cash flat. It’s the perfect mix between old school and futuristic travel.
I dream about my meals at…
what meals? I dream about the next artisan Cesar or glass of champagne to celebrate my travels!
Everywhere I go I check out the…
festivals or any markets that are going on. Anyone that has traveled with me knows how much I geek out when I see markets. I search that perfect ‘gem’ of a souvenir; my version of treasure hunting. I basically turn into a showered version of Jack Sparrow.
My all-time favorite destinations…
I am typically not a repeat traveler, but I have a love affair with Prague and Montreal. They are my personality rolled up into a city.
The best part about being on a long flight is…
the mystery of the strangers near you. Some of my greatest connections and conversations have come from the people sitting next to me.
The craziest thing that happened to me traveling was…
while I was vacationing in Prague. I expressed to my travel partners the desire to run into an old friend or someone famous ‘during my travels.’ That night at Bombay nightclub, I bumped into an old college ex followed by Edward Norton 10 minutes later. If only I had wished to win the EuroBall….
If you could have dinner with 4 people, dead or alive, who would be there?
Charlize Theron, Channing Tatum, Bon Scott and Michael Jordan.
When I arrive at a new place I learn the lay of the land by…
finding a stranger to speak to.
If you were not doing your current job, what would be your dream job?
Not possible. I was born to do this.
If you were forced to live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be?
Manhattan. It’s practically Disney World for Adults.
What is the best concert you have ever attended?
AC/DC Black Ice tour, hands down.
The best part about traveling luggage free is…
I can carry my Americano with ease.
Concierge or DIY?
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