Few people truly know Africa like Sandy Salle, Founder and President of Hills of Africa Travel. Her passion and knowledge for Africa is undeniable and infectious. If you can’t make it to Africa, keep an eye out for Sandy at the closest Rolling Stones show!
Q & A
I can’t wait to visit…
Best Hotel amenity…
Exceptional customer service with an eye for detail!
I always bring home…
handcrafted statues, jewelry, and kitchenware when I return home from a trip to Africa.
I don’t leave home without…
my pashmina.
I dream about my meals at…
Singita Pamushana, Cape Grace Hotel, and Londolozi!
Everywhere I go I check out the…
music scene.
My all-time favorite destinations…
Botswana, South Africa, Zimbabwe (my home!), and London.
The best part about being on a long flight is…
dreaming about all of the amazing things I’ll be able to experience at my destination .
The craziest thing that happened to me traveling was…
a gorilla pushed me over – I even saved the t-shirt that I was wearing!
If you could have dinner with 4 people, dead or alive, who would be there?
David Livingstone, Nelson Mandela, Stephen Curry, and Beverly Joubert.
When I arrive at a new place I learn the lay of the land by…
speaking with the locals.
If you were not doing your current job, what would be your dream job?
Running an African safari camp and looking after guests.
If you were forced to live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be?
What is the best concert you have ever attended?
Rolling Stones.
The best part about traveling luggage free is…
No stress!!!
Concierge or DIY?
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