We continue to celebrate those that influence and make the travel industry so great by highlighting Sandy Stevens, Vice President, Sales at Paul Gauguin Cruises. Whether swimming alongside a Humpback whale or sharing a cocktail after a long day, Sandy is one of those people who always makes a day better and puts a smile on your face.
Q & A
I can’t wait to visit…
Africa and since I’ll only go once I want to see everything from the Big 5 to the mountain gorillas in Rwanda and the Rothschild giraffes at Daisy Manor.
I always bring home…
some kind of art if I loved the destination.
I don’t leave home without…
my Kindle loaded with books.
I dream about my meals at…
the Spaghetti Carbonara at the Fauno Bar in Sorrento.
Everywhere I go I check out the…
local grocery store.
My all-time favorite destinations…
French Polynesia, Italy and the Galapagos.
The best part about being on a long flight is…
hours of uninterrupted reading.
The craziest thing that happened to me traveling was…
swimming along side a Humpback whale and her new born baby.
When I arrive at a new place I learn the lay of the land by…
getting lost.
If you were not doing your current job…
I would own a small neighorhood pub and would only have 2 choices on the menu each day, which I prepared.
If you could have dinner with 4 people, dead or alive, who would be there?
My dad, Coach Jim Valvano the head coach of North Carolina State who won the 1983 NCAA men’s basketball championship, Julia Child and Jon Stewart from the Daily Show.
If you were forced to live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be?
La Jolla California.
What is the best concert you have ever attended?
The 1972 McGovern Fundraiser concert at the Los Angeles Forum with Barbara Streisand, James Taylor, Carole King and the Quincy Jones orchestra.
Concierge or DIY?
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