Another great example of why we love this industry is our friend Suzanne Hall. On top of being the Senior Director at Ensemble Travel Network, Suzanne is driven by helping others achieve their dreams. A woman determined to see as much of the world as possible, yet understands the beauty of a meal at home, Suzanne certainly qualifies as someone we love.
Q & A
I can’t wait to visit…
everywhere in the world!
Best hotel amenity…
in room massage
I always bring home…
some local art
I don’t leave home without…
something to read
I dream about my meals at…
Everywhere I go I check out the…
local markets
My all-time favorite destinations…
East Africa, India, Tahiti
The best part about being on a long flight is…
watching movies
The craziest thing that happened to me traveling was…
walking into a taverna on a small Greek Isle where a group of 8 men ( who spoke no English) were having a birthday party- I became part of their group and we really did dance and throw plates!
When I arrive at a new place I learn the lay of the land by…
If you could have dinner with 4 people, dead or alive, who would be there?
My family, both those alive and deceased
If you were forced to live in one place for the rest of your life, where would it be?
My home, here in Manhattan
What is the best concert you have ever attended?
The Canadian Tenors
Concierge or DIY?
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